A one week rally out to my old stomping grounds of New England. If you don't make it through Maine, New Hampshire and Vermont before you die you have failed.
My partner in crime on this trip was the lovely Pamula Wigley. We rolled out of Detroit Saturday evening and looped south under Lake Erie crossing Ohio and Pennsylvania before jumping off onto the 2 laners and shooting off into the mountains of New York.
We drove through the foothills and found an old motel in Jamestown NY. This old place had huge rambling rooms. The large kitchen and living room were big enough to park a car in. We even had a back door letting us unload the car right into the bedroom.
Come morning we packed up and I hit my phone for a Facebook Check In. There in the near by places list was the "I Love Lucy Museum" and "Desilu Studios".
Out of coincidence we spent the night in Lucille Ball's home town right on the heels of throwing my 1st Annual Babalu Bash at the boat.
I'm not a big museum guy until I get into one then I love them. Kinda like guys and fat chics.
The town is decorated with huge murals of famous scenes from the show and the museum is split into 2 sections. Her personal life and the TV show.
I think it was like $15 a person to tour both. Well worth the time. For the less than old people, the lucy show was a ground breaking event in broadcasting pioneering most of the techniques we take for granted today in TV.