Day one went well. I lost my new hat before I even crossed the Ohio line in some construction. I ran into some fellow Detroit riders and shared some laughs in Ohio north of Dayton. The Hell Raisers are a kick ass bunch of guys that know how to have fun!
I stopped in Miamisburg Ohio a little south of Dayton for dinner. Chris poured a cold glass or two of my favorite beer, Yuenglings and I had one of the best Pulled Pork sandwiches ever north of the confederate line. With a full tummy I decided to call it a day and hit the Knights Inn next door and plan my strategy for tomorrow.
The plan is to run the fast roads for about two and a half hours to Louisville Kentucky where I pick up 31 E and run it down to the Cave City. My Harley Owners Group atlas rates it the best bike road in the state!! Then I decide if I head west for Memphis or hit the world famous Wig Wam Motel!
It all hinges on how much fun I have on the way.