Postings from the road while out looking for America

Day Three: Sunday

Sunday morning started out slow. Dave was up early firing up the smoker in preperation for a big family cook out later that day.

He had a big chunk of deer and a leg of lamb ready to slow cook for much of the day.

Chris and I slowly tore down camp and started lashing stuff to the bikes while Dave grilled away.

Chris was heading back to Flint while I was headed further North to East Tawas on the Huron coast. It was a beautiful morning and we were both looking forward to the ride.

Packed up and rolling, Chris headed out about a half an hour ahead of me. I grabbed a quick shower and finished loading the bike.

Before I left Dave cut a hunk of lamb off for me to take on the ride. I cut it up into small pieces and made an aluminum foil tray inside my glove box to carry them.

Craig rode in just in time to see me off as I rolled out of the compound and pointed the front tire home.

I slid North of town and caught Rt 46 east. After a handful of miles the skies opened up and poured buckets of rain.

As long as I keep my speed up the bike will keep my dry in the rain but it was coming down so hard I couldn't see the road anymore. I fumbled along in search of shelter not wanting to park in the rain because my seat would get wet.

After many miles I eventually caught up with another rider and followed him into a small gas station packed full with stranded bikers seeking shelter under the pump's canopy.

I was able to squeeze under just enough to get out of the heavy rain and shut her down. As I stepped off the bike a couple of other riders heckled me for still being dry and said it wasn't fair, hehe.

I grabbed a towel out of my side bag and covered my seat before retreating further back out of the rain myself. That's when a familiar voice greeted me and I turned to find Chris parked on the other side of the pump!

We hide out of the storm for almost an hour before it passed to the East of us. The radar on my phone showed it running the same way we were. We gave it a little time to get ahead of us and hopefully break up some before heading out.

As the pack broke up two or three at a time we suited back up and rolled East. A few miles later we split up. I jogged North into the sun and Chris swung South back into the rain.

I took a break in Reed City for a couple of over priced Jack n diets and an order of fries at the Brothers Sports bar before cutting across the rest of the state home.

Two hundred miles later we were both home babbling about a great weekend ride to the spouses!!

Day1 Day2