Postings from the road while out looking for America
Day One: Friday
The day started out sunny and hot in Detroit. I lashed a tent and sleeping bag to the Beemer and headed North to hook up with Chris in Flint before heading west for Muskegon.
Chris opted to leave the Harley behind and take his Kaw650 duel sport for the ride.
This is a unique and loud machine. We rolled out of Flint at about 1pm and headed West on M-21 towards Lake Michigan. The weather was shifting for the worst and the leathers came out before we left.
We wanted to 2 lane it across the state so we could enjoy the little small town bars along the way.
Our first stop was in Corona Michigan for burger and a beer. We fell into a cool little dive called the Korner Pub.
There we sat at the bar with a really cool guy named Dave. Dave is a firecracker of a gentleman that is still raising hell at 86 years old! He kept us laughing the whole time we were in there.
The burgers and fries were awesome along with the Amber draughts all served up by our host lovely Becky. With our tummies full we hobbled out to the bikes and headed West.
It started to rain but never very hard, just enough to make the ride interesting. I was comfy behind my windshield with the heat turned on jammin to the XM radio but Chris was working for it out in the raw wind and rain.
Our second stop was in Ionia Michigan. There we stumbled upon a small little place called the Westside Lounge.
The food smelled really good there too but we were just there for a Labbatts draft or two before venturing on. The weather having turned wet made the break welcome.
The people here were a lot of fun. Our friendly barmaid Amy kept us beered up and we swapped bike tales and got the latest road reports from the gang. learning about a buttload of construction in our path, we were redirected further North to M-57 for the remaining piece of the run across the state.
This place had a stage set up in the corner for the band and looked like a true roadhouse. I have no doubt that it rocks on a Saturday night!
Our third and last break from the road came at the mere sight of Rosie's Diner and Bar. This place is a blast from the past!
A true 40s style set of diners! It was so cool. We hit it for a quick Jack just to check it out. The architecture was amazing.
This is a great destination for anyone looking for some true americana and an excuse to go on a road trip.
There were a handful of cars in front of the food car but the bar car was empty except for our barmaid Julie working the bar and her mother and sister sitting it the bar visiting.
From there we rolled into Muskegon and with a quick beer run at Meijer we blasted into Sweetnlow Dave's place.
After a fantastic Steak dinner off of Dave's grill we all set up our tents around the bonfire pit and drank a couple of ice cold beers enjoying the brisk Western Michigan evening.
With our bellies full we threw Dave on the back of the big'azz beemer and the three of us ventured up town to check out the festivities.
The streets were lined with custom bikes and the mood was festive! I can't wait for tomorrow, WoooHooo!!