Saturday morning came in cold and windy. The boys rolled in fired up and ready to rock! We threw my pile o'stuff on board and off we went. We hadn't even got out of Detroit yet and had a car throw a rock up and chip thewindshield and Chris managed to miss a turn in the revelry and exit the freeway by accident...

The trip went well with Chris at the wheel all the way to Kentucky. I then took it over at around 8 or 9 PM. I ran us through Kentucky, Tennessee and Georgia where Chris woke up and took over as the sun was coming up just shy of the Florida line.

We slid the our circus vehicle down to Alexander Springs and after winding around way back into nowhere we got a campsite right on the river and spring.

After the site was set up we took the yaks to the launch and got a few hours in on the crystal clear spring waters. Then we collapsed back at camp drinking around the camp fire.

Chris crashed out early being a first shifter but Jim and I killed our share of Yuengling and burnt up every stick of firewood before staggering off the the freezing cold tent.

The temps had dropped into the upper 30s and it was cold. But even the bitter cold nor Chris' chainsaw'esque snoring could stop me from falling right to sleep...